5 Life Changing Anime Quotes

5 Life Changing Anime Quotes

For those of you who don’t know me (most of you), I love anime. I believe it showcases some of the best stories ever written, with amazing stories comes perspective altering dialogue and today we will look at 5 Life Changing Anime Quotes to celebrate this fact!

It’s really a huge shame that anime gets a bad reputation by some, and to be fair, sometimes it’s understandable. Not all animes have weird moments, but a lot do, even the really good ones.

Animes will have you on the edge of your seat and then throw a random incest relationship at you. At other times you will be completely gripped by the funny in-depth characters and then they decide to do a panty shot of a high-schooler.

Anime can sometimes be weird, but boy, do I ever suggest you find a way to look past the weirdness and find what may be the best cinematic stories and universes we’ve ever had.

So let’s get into the 5 Life Changing Anime Quotes, what they are trying to say, and how it affects you. With that being said, I’ll be sticking to animes I’m familiar with, so let’s begin!

Anime Quotes

1) Thors Odinson – Vinland Saga: “You have no enemies.”

This is a short but sweet quote. I’d be lying if I didn’t say that this quote was one of if not the favourite quote I have.

The context of the quote is a father “Thors” instilling an ideology into his son “Thorfinn”, that no one in the world is his enemy.

This is a very foreign concept to those of this time, as Vinland Saga takes place at the beginning of the new millennium, in a barbaric world of pillaging, raping, and murder.

Despite us living in a more civil world, it is far from perfect and this quote still rings true for us as well.

It’s easy to point fingers, to hate, to think of someone as your enemy. But no matter they amount of harm they cause to you, they are still a human, and that is a sin we all bear together.

To love in the face of hate is more impressive than to hate in the face of hate. This quote resonates with the Christian teaching, to above all “love thy neighbor as thyself”

2) Edward Elric – Full Metal Alchemist (Brotherhood): “A lesson without pain is meaningless. That’s because you can’t gain something without sacrificing something in return.”

Man is this a message that I wished I had better instilled in myself growing up.

All growth requires some level of “pain”, whether it’s mental, physical, or metaphorical, a sacrifice is always due.

You can’t learn to walk unless you are willing to fall, worse of all, this isn’t a choice, rather a requirement of life.

Something you would find in the terms and conditions (if anyone ever read those).

Failure is something that we all have a relationship with, you can either embrace it or you can try to avoid it.

Ironically, failure will find you even if you hide and it seems the only way to “avoid it” is through embracing it.

3) L – Death Note: “Sometimes, the questions are complicated, and the answers are simple.”

Fun fact, through researching I have also learned that this was said by Dr. Seuss, but that

guy did some bad stuff, so let’s give a much more respectable character in L credit for the quote. This is something I’ve felt throughout writing, perhaps I am naive to say this, but I often do wonder if things are simpler than we like to make them.

One of the books I’m reading (affiliate link) is written by an author named Mark Manson, he is definitely a bit of a polarizing character to some and he also covers “self-help”.

One of the poor reviews I read on the book I’m reading stated that he “Oversimplifies complex topics”, to be fair, this might end up being true as he speaks on his thoughts of mental health, which is a very hot topic with varying opinions.

I can’t speak for others as I am not an expert, but I can speak on my own mental health, speculating and drawing my own conclusions. I know better than to generalize, as things definitely can get very complicated very quick.

But in some cases, I think the answers are very simple. For example, I was depressed and sometimes fall into a depression, the reason is because I feel worthless or not good enough. Then I start using my time to do productive activities, I start my own blog, go for walks, go to the gym, etc.

When I start doing these healthy activities, magically, my mental health issues go away. What I had thought was a complex issue, at least in my case, seems to be pretty straightforward. Feel like a lazy piece of you know what? Then start being productive.

I believe this concept is true for much more than my mental health, people constantly want to overcomplicate fitness. I’m no fitness trainer, but I know that if I eat healthy and workout, I will get in shape. I don’t need some magical supplement, I don’t need to do strictly hot yoga, it’s not rocket science.

People make you feel this way because there are profits to be made, if fitness is as easy as working out and eating healthy, then how will I sell you my magic weightloss tea and hot yoga class? (I don’t even know what hot yoga is, I just think it sounds funny).

4) Kaori Miyazono – Your Lie in April: “Even if it’s a lie, pretend to be strong. Even if it’s just for a little while.

This quote is a bit more interesting in my opinion, which is why I want to talk about it. It’s

essentially the same as “faking it till you make it”, which is another famous line.

I believe this to be an effective strategy under a few conditions. First off, you have to realize that you aren’t the way you want to be yet, and this is a process, not a flip of the switch.

You are essentially rehearsing for a play, so that one day you can act the role well. It’s fairly common knowledge that if you do something long enough, good or bad, it will eventually become habitual.

The quote itself is more about putting on a strong face through tough moments, to persevere. I wouldn’t say it’s about putting on a strong face and pretending everything is okay, as much as it is about preparing yourself to be okay when the time comes to accept whatever truths may linger.

This may just be my interpretation of the line, but I really do like the concept of not giving into despair, be willing to try out being strong, even if it’s just for a little while.

5) Satoru Fujinuma – Erased: “Life can be like a storm. But when the clouds clear, you’ll see the sun again.”

This is a message that I don’t think we could hear enough, life is tough, no one is denying that. But we all require something to look forward to, to keep us going. It’s a reminder that even the toughest days will eventually pass and at last, happy days will come.

It’s a very optimistic quote, which again, I think all of us need in our lives. It’s so easy to get caught up in the storm and think that nothing will get better, but as the quote states, the clouds will eventually clear and you’ll see the sun again.

Don’t lose hope, have faith that good days will come and the good days or even maybe just the good day, will make all the bad days worth it. Don’t get lost in the storm.

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