Atomic Habits: Book Review

To be honest, I ended up delaying this review far more than I had initially intended and far longer than I wanted. The chapter reviews were quite straightforward in terms of how I wanted to structure it, but for the book review I wasn’t sure how I wanted to structure it. I’ve decided to just write instead of stress over the small details and get it done today.

Of course if you are interested I did individual chapter reviews which show my in-depth thoughts on the topics covered, so if that sounds interesting to you, consider reading those as well. This review is going to be more about my surface level thoughts of the book and will end with a out of 10 review.

Thoughts about the book:

Going into this book I didn’t really know what to expect, I chose this book based off of the very high Amazon ratings: (affiliate link to book). The book boasts a 4.7 star rating over 157,532 reviews, selling over 20 million copies.

If you go all the way back to my very first chapter review, you can see how I enjoyed the book off the hop. This book is stuffed with value, and although there is a bit of repetition throughout the book, I actually found it quite helpful. Rather than feeling like filler, the repeated topics were covered in a way that felt as though the author really wanted to hammer in the important ideas into your head. As someone who doesn’t always pick things up the quickest, I find it really helpful being given multiple opportunities to develop my understanding. I also liked that the book itself was a fairly easy read and I didn’t feel as though the author was trying to flex his extensive vocabulary, which can be a characteristic of certain books that can turn me off as a more novice reader.

Like I said earlier, the purpose of this review isn’t to recover topics of the book as I have already done in-depth chapter reviews, but I do want to talk about some of the messages that I carried out of this book in an honest way. Some people like to pretend like they took everything out of the book, but realistically I know that sometimes retaining that level of knowledge requires further study, note taking, or perhaps multiple reads of the book.

This book gives you a large array of different tools to use to develop different habits and connects a lot of them together very simply and precisely. What I also like about these steps is that they are individually useful and don’t require you to follow each one to better yourself. Not only does this book work really hard to hammer these ideas into your head through some repetition, but it also is structured in a way that I would say is more helpful than your average textbook. You get chapter summary topics (which made reviewing the individual chapters in proper detail a lot easier.) you also get diagrams and graphs that you slowly will build up as you read. I love this because I don’t have to read the entire book to go back and review habit development strategies, as towards the end of the book is a graph that basically summarizes everything learned throughout. The book also refers you to the authors website where he provides you with worksheets/resources that can help you build the habits in the book. All of this is why I really loved the book, because it feels as though the author truly wants to help you develop habits that will better your life and not like an author who just wants to make a quick buck.

Without a doubt I got more than the value I invested in this book back. The truth is that this book gave me everything I need to develop good habits and get rid of bad ones and actually following through is completely up to me. I personally, started habit tracking, but will look to integrate other strategies as well, and even if I don’t manage to use these strategies, my overall insight and awareness of my own behaviour/habits is at a level I would have never reached without the book.

I am going to give this book a 10/10 for my first book review, as it provided in all the ways I wanted and more, I genuinely can’t think of any aspect that I wish was better or different. Once again if you want to purchase the book you can do so here: (affiliate link to book) as this book 100% has my stamp of approval.

Thank You:

I just wanted to give one last thanks to all of those who took the time to read both this review and my chapter reviews. I hope that I was able to provide some value to you all and will look to continue to do more, growing along the way. I’m currently in the process of reading the book “Get Out Of Your Head” by Jenne Allen. I considered doing chapter reviews, but felt as though I didn’t have many thoughts after individual chapters. This book wasn’t quite what I thought it was to be completely honest, it is far more religious than I had initially thought, which is not a turn off, I just wanted to be able to appeal to as many people as possible and I know religion can be a touchy subject, this book also seems to be aimed more towards women, which is weird because I’m a dude (lol). Thus far I have taken some value out of the book nonetheless and will look to do a book review at some point when I’m done. Again, thank you all!

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